Hello everybody! I do apologise for such a long absence, I've been very busy with moving house and having my parents over to decorate it. I finally have a huge kitchen and so the creativity has been flowing much to my new housemate's delight!

She's even asked me to teach her how to cook, a very flattering request. So for her birthday I bought her, what every aspiring chef should have a Kitchen Bible! It's called Tout ce que votre mère aurait dû vous apprendre en cuisine (Everything Your Mother Should Have Taught You In The Kitchen) Judging by the names of the authors Kim Rowney Lulu Grimes Kay Halsey and the fact that quite a few of the recipes are traditionally English it must be a translation. I strongly recommend this book it is brilliantly written and so simple to follow, that even the most inexperienced of cooks can't fail!

Anyway, sit back and enjoy the pictures and recipes to come, I shall make an extra special effort in my posts to make up for my laziness in the blog department these last two months!
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